Although it is generally considered a stimulant, alcohol is actually a depressant. It dilates the blood vessels, especially the capillaries in the skin, and thus gives a sensation of warmth that is mistaken for being stimulated or “pepped up.”
As a matter of fact, the opposite is taking place. Alcohol is a relaxant—and it can be so relaxing that one loses all control of one’s actions.
Who hasn’t seen a drunk so “relaxed” that he topples into the gutter? Drinking alcohol is a dangerous way to relax! The chief toxic effect of alcohol is on the brain and nervous system.
Alcohol “burns up” or depletes the body of both Vitamin C and Vitamin B, the essential “nerve vitamin.” Hemorrhages that occur in the brain often result in paralysis.
In fact, medical research has shown that the boisterous actions —the loud speech, the “hail-fellow-well-met” joviality—of the alcoholic, his bravado and devil-may-care attitude, are actually the results of a beginning paralysis of certain parts of the brain.
Stay away from alcohol! It has nothing but “empty calories” that will burden your body with unhealthy, flabby fat … plus its other poisonous and injurious effects.
Of special danger to anyone with a heart condition is the numbing effect of alcohol on the pain centers of the brain and nervous system. Without Nature’s warning signal—pain—a heart attack which might have been averted may prove fatal.
If drink can kill—so can food. Don’t dig your grave with your teeth! To have a heart that is fit, your blood chemistry must be balanced. The 8 quarts of blood in your body must have all of the 60 nutrients that build a powerful, fit heart.
Once there was a time when man did not need to know what to leave out of his diet. That was because the only foods that he had to eat were those that Nature produced. They were not robbed of their natural elements as they are today.
Once you realize the irreparable berm caused to your body by refined, chemicalized, deficient foods, it is not difficult to eat correctly. Simply eliminate these “killer” foods from your diet … and follow an eating plan which provide the basic, essential nourishment your body needs.
- Refined sugar or refined sugar products such as jams, jellies, preserves, marmalades, ice cream, sherbert, Jello, cake candy, cookies, chewing gum, soft drinks, pies, pastries, tapioca puddings, sugared fruit juices, fruits canned in syrup
- Catsup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, pickles, olives
- Salted foods, such as potato chips, salted nuts, pretzels, salted crackers, and sauerkraut
- White rice and pearled barley
- Commercial dry cereals such as corn flakes, etc.
- Fried foods