Back and Neck Pain

Back and neck pain are two of the most common ailments. The pain may occur in the muscles, spinal joints, or nearby nerves. It can result from muscle strain, damaged spinal disks (the cushions between the vertebrae), poor posture, being overweight, pregnancy, some forms of arthritis, kidney infection, and several other factors.


Allopathic medicine commonly treats back and neck pain with a combination of rest, drugs, and surgery. If the pain is caused by a known disorder, such as osteoarthritis, then treatment is tailored to that ailment.


Several medicines are recommend-ed to relieve pain, stiffness, and other symptoms:

  • Analgesics (painkillers), including aspirin and acetaminophen, reduce pain. Potential side effects range from stomach bleeding to liver damage. Other narcotic painkillers, such as codeine and meperidine, can be helpful but should be used only for short periods because of their habit forming nature.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can also ease pain but may cause nausea, diarrhea, and intestinal bleeding, among other side effects.
  • Muscle relaxers, such as carisoprodol, diazepam, and methocarbamol, may cause weakness and drowsiness.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants, in low doses, may encourage sound sleeping. Side effects may include dry mouth, blurred vision, and dizziness.


  • Stiffness and limited movement
  • Pain that is constant or occasional, gradual or sudden
  • Pain that occasionally radiates to buttocks, legs, feet, abdomen, or head


A damaged disk that has ruptured and is putting pressure on the spinal nerves can be surgically repaired. Surgery is also used to widen the space between the vertebrae. Numerous critics, including some doctors, complain that many back surgeries are unnecessary and potentially harmful.


Sleeping on a firm mattress, applying ice and then heat, and wearing a back or neck brace can relieve some of the pain and promote healing. A sudden onset of pain requires bed rest, but only for a short period. Resting should be followed by regular, gentle exercise.


More and more, allopathic doctors are beginning to recognize the benefits of several alternative therapies—in particular chiropractic and acupuncture—in the treatment of back and neck pain.


Chiropractic medicine, with its emphasis on the spine, is particularly effective in easing pain and improving function in the back and neck. The therapy works on the basis that misalignments in the vertebrae interfere with the nervous system, which prevent the body from operating at its peak. Adjustments and manipulations, performed with the chiropractor’s hands, can return any misaligned vertebrae to their ideal positions. The body is then ready to take over the healing process.

A chiropractic examination includes palpations (examination with the hands) and sometimes X rays. A treatment for back pain may include “short-lever” thrusts to specific points on the spine, often performed by the chiropractor once a week or more until the pain is reduced. Instruction for the patient in exercising and posture is also included.

Many research trials have shown that manipulation is an effective treatment for several types of lower-back pain, especially in cases in which the pain comes on strongly and suddenly. In addition, a survey of patients with lower-hack pain reported that those who went to chiropractors were more satisfied with their treatment than those who saw medical doctors.

Only a trained practitioner is qualified to per-form chiropractic techniques. In addition to adjustments, some chiropractors may add dietary changes and other therapies to their treatments.


Yoga teaches good posture and deep, relaxed breathing and strengthens and limbers the muscles. All of these benefits can ease back and neck pain and prevent injuries and strains from recurring. The mix of yoga exer-cises and movements depends on the cause of the pain and where it is located. The sessions usually last from 20 to 60 minutes and are performed anywhere from once a week to every day. Of course, it’s preferable to prevent back and neck pain with yoga rather than to treat it.

Here’s a yoga exercise called the “cat stretch”—that’s often recommended for lower-back pain:

  • Wear comfortable clothing.
  • Get on your hands and knees. Placing your hands shoulder distance apart and your knees hip distance apart, look straight ahead. Your arms and back should be straight, as if you are a table.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • As you exhale, slowly and gently arch your back up, tighten your stomach, and hang your head down. Hold for several seconds.
  • As you inhale, slowly and gently arch your back down and lift your head up. Hold for several seconds.
  • Repeat four times.


Several forms of bodywork can improve movement and posture, relieve pain, and aid in healing. Massage is perhaps the most recognized bodywork therapy for this type of pain. It relaxes muscles and increases blood circulation to the area (crucial to healing).

Several studies have shown that people with back pain receive positive results with forms of Swedish massage. In particular, deep-tissue massage can ease long-held muscle tension. As the name implies, it involves the application of firm pressure and slow strokes to muscle layers deep below the skin surface. One word of caution: The sudden and severe onset of pain will require time to heal before beginning deep-tissue massage treatments.

Other bodywork therapies can also be helpful:

  • Alexander technique offers simple, guided exercises that enhance posture, ease pain and tension, and allow bet-ter, more efficient use of the body.
  • Feldenkrais method teaches new ways to move the body, helping to relax cramped or tense muscles.

In addition to specific exercises, the Alexander technique offers tips to perform everyday activities better. The following are some of those tips:

  • Sit with your back firmly against the back of a chair. If the chair offers poor support, put a small pillow between your lower back and the chair.
  • Also when sitting, pull the chair in close to the desk or table. Do not lean over the desk.
  • Beware of low handrails. Do not hunch your shoulders to grip them. Instead, keep good posture and only run your fingers along the rail to guide you.


Ayurvedic Medicine—Treatment can include meditation, herbal therapy, and massages with warm oil.

Biofeedback Training—Electromyographic biofeedback and relaxation exercises can lead to pain reduction.

Guided Imagery and Creative Visualization—Exercises may help people relieve pain and ease muscle tension.

Herbal Medicine—White willow bark, cayenne, burdock, cramp bark, and chamomile can be used to relieve pain. Hypericum can be applied topically in lotion or oil form for sharp nerve pain.

Homeopathy—Common remedies include arnica montana, calcarea fluorica, ruta graveolens, and rhus toxicodendron.

Hydrotherapy—Alternating hot and cold compresses (ending with cold) and exercises performed in a pool of water can be helpful.

Traditional Chinese Medicine—Acupuncture is particularly recommended for treating back and neck pain. Herbal therapy, relaxation techniques, and Tai Chi exercises are also useful in treatment.


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