The liver, in addition to producing the body’s normal cholesterol, also produces an important nutritional substance called lecithin. In my opinion, lecithin is one of God’s greatest gifts to man.
Lecithin mixes with the bile in the gallbladder, and is emptied along with the bile into the small intestine to help in the digestion of Into as these leave the stomach.
Lecithin is a powerful homogenizing agent which breaks up the fat into tiny particles of uniform size and quality. One of the great discoveries of modem Nutritional Science is the role of lecithin and linoleic acid (from safflower oil) in helping the body to dispose of fats. You can see that a deficiency of these two agents may cause nutritional coronary ailments.
The soybean is the richest source o) lecithin. It is also found in all products which contain fat, such as the germ of the various grains (the part that sprouts). In appearance lecithin and wheat-germ are very much alike.
Commercial lecithin has a wide variety of uses. It is used in the lubrication of fine precision machines where the oil needs to be spread very thinly, and it is important in the confectionery and baking businesses for its natural homogenizing effect.
In 1910 when I was one of the associate editors of Bemarr Macfadden’s Physical Culture Magazine, he sent are on an expedition into Upper Manchuria in China.
This is the original home of the soybean.
For thousands of yews the Chinese people have used the soybean as a food in many different ways. In fact, about 80% of their food has been soybean in one form or another.
Again, to my amazement I found many men and women like Zora Agha of Turkey, who were living unbelievably long lives. It was not unusual to find men and women from 125 to 135 years of age. Among these people heart attacks, strokes, paralysis, coronary thrombosis and degenerative diseases of the arteries were practically unknown.
Eating the soybean in various forms meant that they got a large amount of lecithin in their diet which homogenized the fats … and thus their level of blood-fat or blood cholesterol was always normal.